Process Safety Management (PSM)…

Why Process Safety Management is needed and everyone needs to be Involved!

Week after week I read of explosions and fires at refineries, chemical plants and dust-producing operations like sawmills and grain elevators. There are usually people hurt or killed. Communities are forced to shelter in place or evacuate. Families suffer great loss. There are always estimates of the loss of money and the difficulty of getting back into production.

These are sad situations that are usually avoidable if the managers and engineers would only do their duty to conduct strong process safety management (PSM) work. PSM does require having trained engineers to do the work. It may require money when a defect is found the needs repair. It is often routine and boring work as in inspecting relief valves, for example. It often is narrowly focused on just the specific process without taking the whole system into mind. This is critical work that responsible managers and engineers need to conduct rigorously. It is a necessary discipline. (Process Safety Management came about as OSHA’s response to prevent a disaster like Bhopal).

everyone should be involved in process safety management

When I read the reports of these disasters, there are often long explanations about things. There was one I read about where the fluctuating liquid levels in distillation columns were unstable and causing the operators continuous problems. The instruments were not showing the full nature of the problem of the rising liquid levels which, one day, got so out of control that the distillation column overflowed, releasing a flammable cloud which ignited and killed a lot of people. The incident investigation discussed all sorts of technical problems which were not addressed since they did not look too serious. But they did not include the whole system.

Nowhere was there any discussion mentioned about what the operators were experiencing each day and struggling to control. It was clear that they had a serious problem, but no one asked them about it. Why do the technical people treat the men and women who operate the facilities as if they did not know anything. These people live with the processes! They have a lot to offer!

When I was the Plant Manager of the big DuPont Belle, West Virginia plant, we brought occupational safety, occupational health, and PSM together as a whole safety system effort where each part helped the other parts. We created the conditions where people felt it was okay to talk openly together about the problems and address them. Where they helped each other. Trust was built so people could be able to do their best. The people came together enabling us all to perform much better.

Our Total Recordable Injury rate dropped by 97% to ~0.3 and our total emissions to the environment dropped by 95% in just 3 years. I look at total emissions to the environment as a key PSM metric since there is less waste from poorly running processes and fewer upsets or failures blowing stuff into the air.

Building trust and interdependence among the people is a very important part of management’s work. It is easy to do this using the Cycle of Intelligence, listening and learning together. Rosa Carrillo has written a fine book about the importance of the Relationship Factor entitled “The Relationship Factor in Safety Leadership.” This is easy to do if we just go into our organizations, share information, listen, and learn together. It would have avoided the disaster I mentioned earlier in this newsletter.

Yet most managers do not get out of their offices, talk with the people sharing information, listening, and learning together. Why is this? Rosa’s work and my work clearly show the great benefits to safety and productivity, yet managers shy away from this.


In your own organization, what are you doing to open up and share information? What are you doing to open up a safe space where it is okay for people to talk and share? Are you bringing a diverse group of people together to talk and learn?

Each of us can make a positive difference. Will you?

osha process safety management elements

Artificial Intelligence – Breakthroughs Come with Risks

Artificial Intelligence … Technological Breakthroughs Come with Risks … What You Need to Know!

Artificial intelligence (AI) is intelligence demonstrated by machines, as opposed to the natural intelligence displayed by animals including humans. Leading AI textbooks define the field as the study of intelligent agents: any system that perceives its environment and takes actions that maximize its chance of achieving its goals. In this technologically advanced era, we experience AI all around us – from using ATMs, using a kiosk, using a self-check-out counter, even ordering from Amazon.

In the workplace, the impact of artificial intelligence on workers includes both applications to improve worker safety and health, and potential hazards that must be controlled.

One potential application is using AI to eliminate hazards by removing humans from hazardous situations that involve risk of stress, overwork, or musculoskeletal injuries. Predictive analytics may also be used to identify conditions that may lead to hazards such as fatigue, repetitive strain injuries, or toxic substance exposure, leading to earlier interventions. Another is to streamline workplace safety and health workflows through automating repetitive tasks, enhancing safety training programs through virtual reality, or detecting and reporting near misses.

artificial intelligence breakthroughs

Robotics is one very useful place where machines and activities can be automated using AI. Precision can be gained, and human error eliminated. We see robots used extensively in production lines like automobile assembly plants, and bottling operations, in the medical and beverage industries. There is a lot of talk about eliminating jobs like cooking french fries in McDonalds Restaurants, for example. In all these activities there is a lot of feedback enabling the systems to be optimized and eliminate any unintended consequences. Lots of hazardous activities can be eliminated through the use of robots. Robots themselves have safety hazards so there is a need to keep people from getting tangled up in the machines.

There is also good use of AI in searching for best practices and searching the literature for possible solutions to our problems. However, it is important to personally evaluate the output of AI systems to be sure the suggested answers make sense, and unintended consequences are avoided. People need to get involved and evaluate the AI solutions to be sure that they really make sense and are workable. Algorithm bias is real. The algorithms are made by unknown people, some place. Hopefully they are competent and careful, but the algorithms are hidden to most users, and the thoroughness in developing them is unknown to most users. Blindly using the AI output can get people into a lot of trouble. AI does not replace good thinking and judgement by knowledgeable people who know the work that needs to be done. Never underestimate the valued knowledge of those closest to the work – their input is critical.

AI is also being used to develop safety training programs and messages. These efforts to control the people in automated training can get way off the tracks. Again, the algorithms are opaque. The companies producing them can be ethical or they can cut corners and mislead the people being trained. Are the algorithms being designed to sell a particular piece of equipment which may or may not be the best solution to the safety problem. Who is paying the algorithm developer? Are their goals really aligned with your needs?

learn how artificial intelligence can best serve the workforce

Blindly accepting the output of an AI program will get a lot of people into trouble and hurt. There is no replacement for skilled, knowledgeable people evaluating the AI output. This takes time and effort, and many organizations are understaffed so the temptation to just take the unquestioned, AI output is high.

Please use AI with a high level of maturity, look carefully at the output and make the best decisions you can. If things don’t add up or look strange, challenge the output, and do what makes the best sense. Call me at 716-622-6467 if you’d like to explore this further.

A Time for Extra Alertness and Caution for Workplace Safety

It is hard to remember a time like this with so much serious stuff going on.

The COVID questions linger, the war in Ukraine is of huge concern, supply chain problems mess up schedules and production plans, the shortage of computer chips, the shortage of people to fill the jobs which forces excessive overtime and stress, inflation rising, and the move into Spring. All these distractions can cause major problems in the workplace ranging from the shortage of supplies, people, the time to get the work done, and workplace safety.

for safety protocols stay alert

There are also many problems that have an impact on our families and cause us stress. It is hard to leave these problems at home when you go into work. These can be quite distracting leading to mistakes, incidents, and injuries.

More than ever, we need to be working in ways that will relieve some of these problems, but the answers are neither simple nor easy to implement. It is important to share information so that everyone is on the same footing and knows what is needed and going on. Doing things the same old way may not be the best approach. Get together and talk about things and see what is best. As you talk, new ideas will emerge which may be useful and apply to your own situation.

There’s a big difference to note: When you are open to other’s ideas, to discussing pros and cons, to seeking new ways for doing things, to listening to others…(rather than to doing things my way or the highway…) then good things happen…effectiveness rises! And so does your team’s attitude, and in turn, safety.

As you ponder what you will need going forward, do not forget the daily tasks relating to doing your jobs safely. Be careful with hurrying. Resist cutting corners. Don’t pencil-whip your audits and other reports. Follow up on near misses. Take the time to really talk together about what is happening and how you can best work together to get things done.

Many of the things I have been reading indicate that all these distractions are causing real problems with increased injuries and incidents. These are real situations in which we are all trying to work safely.

New Days Ahead of Us for Workplace Safety

So much of our traditional approach to improving workplace safety is based on mechanical ideas about how our organizations work to get things done. In the past, the predominant approach has been based on seeing the organization as if it is a machine and the people as interchangeable parts. This goes all the way back to Frederick Taylor’s Principles of Scientific Management, published in 1911. Rules are issued by Management or OSHA and everyone is expected to follow them. Things are driven from the top of the organization with little feedback up the line.

workplace safety is based on mechanical ideas

We live in a world of work-as-imagined, often instructed by people who have never done that work! Most people will try to do the work well, but it is hard to sustain. There are many safety professionals who are stuck in the old way of doing things, writing procedures from their office without input from the person needing to do the job. This is, sadly, still the basic top-down approach of most of the people in the American Society for Safety Professionals – with engagement and involvement of people doing the job lacking.

Now our understanding of how organizations work is changing. When organizations are seen as if they are living systems and people are vital parts, new opportunities open for success. Organizations are complex, adapting, self-organizing networks of people who come together in vital new ways.

Rather than thinking of the organization as if it were a machine with the parts grinding away, we can think of it as a vital, active network of people, self-organizing and doing excellent, sustainable work together.

A useful metaphor is to think about the sport of soccer. Everyone knows the dimensions of the field and the out-of-bounds lines. Everyone knows the rules of the game. At work in our conversations together, we co-create these boundaries and rules, so we try to live by them. In the game, the referees are like the first line supervision who are making sure everyone is playing by the rules and staying in bounds. The coaches are like the managers who are supporting, training, and helping the players be their best. The top managers are like the general managers who are setting the strategy for the game.

The players in the game are self-organizing and making decisions all the time as the game unfolds. If the coaches try to micromanage the game, the players get bogged down and that team usually does not play very well. On the other hand, when the coaches support the players and give them the space to play their best and make the decisions on the field as the game unfolds, those teams usually are the winners.

workplace safety starts with the team

I have used this approach when I was a Plant Manager and the people achieved excellent results. Injury rates and emissions to the environment dropped by over 95%, earnings rose by 45% and earnings rose by 300%. As I have worked around the world with all sorts of organizations using this approach, similar results have been achieved, often quite quickly.

If you would like to learn more about this, please give me a call at +1-716-622-6467. The first consultation is free.

Doing Safety Right in the Workforce!

So much of our safety efforts are aimed at trying to get the people to do safety right.

Photo Credit:

There are lots of good ideas, new techniques, slogans, better equipment, PPE and so on. When I go to an American Society for Safety Professionals Conference, I am awed by the beautiful displays of new and better equipment and supplies. A lot of safety people are trying to improve safety in the workplace. It is hard work, and progress in reducing injuries and incidents is slow.

My Earlier Years

Over my 20+ years in managerial positions, working to improve the performance of organizations, I have found that the way I worked in my early years of pushing, pushing, scolding, blaming, looking for root cause, etc. was not very successful. I did not listen well and did a lot of arguing. I took an approach of trying to take things apart, thinking that if I understood the parts I could fix things. I felt that I had to know everything and fix the problems and the people. But the same problems kept popping up and no one seemed to learn or care. Trying to catch people doing something wrong, sets us up for a lot of arguments and struggles. Many organizations where I worked were not happy places. (And I learned that it didn’t have to be that way – old school management certainly had its flaws!)

Growing Up

However, when I began to realize that almost all people are smart in their own ways, things began to change. As I learned to purposefully go into the workplace, sit down with the working people, and listen to what they had to say, I found that most people are doing things quite well. They wanted to help to make things better. Most people do not want to get hurt or cause a problem. Rather than treating them as if they just did not care, I realized that they had a lot to offer and wanted to contribute. I just had to ask them, listen, and create the conditions where they could be their best. (They had so much information and innovations to offer!)

At first, I found the people frustrated and unhappy that no one had ever listened to them. When I first began to walk among them, there was a lot of fear and little trust. What was I really doing? Was I really trying to engage with them and learn? Was I just trying to find something wrong in a sneaky way? As I kept trying, kept listening and learning to talk with the people, and not at them, things began to shift. Each conversation was a little step, so I had many conversations. When I was the Plant Manager at the DuPont Belle, WV Plant, I did this for 4-5 hours a day for over 7 years. (Yes, I kept long work hours!)

In talking with the people, building trust, and helping them to see that they were an important part of our total success, our performance improved. In the first 4 years, our injury rate dropped by 97%, emissions dropped by 95%, productivity rose by 45% and earnings rose by 300%. We kept getting better. I did not do this by myself, the people, all of us together did this. I found that in all these conversations that the collective intelligence of the whole organization went up and kept going up as we all talked and learned together. We all became partners in building a successful business.

respect and honor others in the workplace

My Consulting Experiences in Safety

Over the last 28 years of consulting with organizations around the world, to help them improve their performance, I have used and taught this approach. I have developed a focused tool for our conversations that helps to make this work focusedeffective and fast. It helps the people to see what they are doing, breaks down barriers, builds trust, enables them to solve complex problems, and make decisions close to their work. In these conversations the collective intelligence of the groups always goes up. All dimensions of their performance improve, often quite quickly. They sustain this work for years by continuing these conversations among themselves. I call this tool the Cycle of Intelligence. It is simple to use, requires no new capital investment and helps the people, all of them from the top down, to sustain and improve progress in their continuous conversations.


If you want to learn more about the Cycle of Intelligence and how this process works, please give me a call at 716-622-6467 or contact me at We can set up a Zoom call if necessary. (Yes, we do “Train the Trainer” sessions.)

Perhaps you have a story you want to share. It is so important to establish your credibility as a manager or supervisor who is committed to improving safety and to respect your people – because worker participation, involvement and enthusiasm is a treasure. Hope to hear from you!

Peeling the Onion: Exposing the Various Layers of Safety in the Workforce

Let’s peel back the onion on some recently published Safety Stats.

The number of people killed at work dropped in 2020 – Good News!

The Year 2021 was full of changes and challenges. Much of the news was pretty negative. But, one piece of good news was that the US Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that the number of fatal occupational injuries in 2020 dropped from 5,333 in 2019 to 4,764 in 2020. This is the first drop in fatalities since 2014. This is good, but no one knows why this happened. There are many possible things that could have had an impact. We must peel back the onion and look deeper.

exposing the layers of safety stats

Here are some stats:

  • Did the COVID epidemic have an influence? Probably.
  • Were there fewer businesses operating? Yes.
  • Were fewer people actually at work? Yes.
  • The pressures of excessive overtime were up as businesses began to expand again but could not get enough people to fill all the positions. Did this have an impact? Maybe.
  • Were the numbers unclear because there were more part-time workers? Probably.
  • Was management actually doing a better job in the safety arena? I hope so!
  • Even though there was a lot more stress among the people with all the COVID worries, the number of murders dropped by 14.5%. Women made up 16.3% of workplace homicides. Maybe people were handling the stress better than usual. I hope so!
  • Exposure to harmful substances went up, including overdose of drugs. Was this from increased workplace pressures. Maybe.
  • Fatal injuries among law enforcement people went up 18.6% to 115 people. Thank you for your courage!

This is a complex problem with which all of us in safety are working to improve. The number of fatal injuries in 2020 was lower than it has been (and that is a good thing!), but the reasons are multifaceted. Please keep up the safety work you are doing and we’ll see if the 2021 numbers improve again.

What Do Workers Want?

American workers want better stability, safety, and leadership.

Randstad, USA, a large professional and commercial staffing organization, recently conducted a survey of their clients, finding that the COVID situation had an enormous impact in raising the workers’ concerns for safety. Workers want their leaders to clearly take the lead, making and acting on decisions to improve their safety and the stability of the workplace environment. Workers want clear standards on vaccinations and working conditions like spacing and overtime considerations. This is a big challenge since guidance from the Government, OSHA, the CDC and the courts is in such flux, and the shortage of skilled workers complicates this even further. This is a huge source of stress on everyone. It is critical that there is open, honest conversations among all the people so the best, most logical decisions can be made. This is really the work of leaders and the people want them to step up and lead.

Getting back to the onion metaphor…the Leader needs to be rooted (strength of conviction, knowledgeable) and have a strong inner core…yet be flexible, able to listen, communicate and most importantly, to be able to step up and lead.

Call to Action: As you peel back the onion around the safety performance of your workplace during this past year, what will you find? Contact me (716-622-6467) and I’ll share with you the “Layers of Safety” I use when speaking to Leaders on becoming the most effective they can be in leading Safety in the Workplace.

removing layers of safety stats

Leadership: Moving Through the Mire … to a Better place

We are living through a period of extraordinary uncertainty. Our safety and our Leadership is in flux.

Two renowned scholars and two McKinsey experts recently illuminated the leadership imperatives of our time:

  • bringing people together,
  • energizing forward progress, and
  • reimagining normalcy.

This is exactly what we embrace with our Partnering through Collaboration Leadership Approach (at RNKnowles & Associates).

Stress in the Workplace

The COVID mess has driven us onto new and different ground. The virus, the vast amounts of conflicting information, the on-again off-again edicts, the shortage of workers, and the supply-chain problems are forcing everyone to rethink what and how we conduct our businesses. On top of this, we still must maintain our standards of safety, quality, and total performance. With such high levels of complexity, no one knows how to do all of this.

For the businesses having to impose and enforce all the edicts, we wind up pitting ourselves against each other. For example, suppose someone must be let go because the edict required vaccination and the person refused it for good health reasons, and then the edict is blocked in court the next day. What do we do? We can bring the person back to work, but then other, new changes are imposed. What then? How do we handle the pay issues? It goes on and on. These stressors are intense in our workplaces today.

Finding a Workable Way through this Mire

With everything changing around us, we must find a way to take control, and make sense of what we do. Perhaps we need to shift our way of working from a top-down, hierarchical approach to one of opening up and partnering with the people. Talking together and working out our problems, as partners, is extremely important.

Our top-down approach is faced with lots of questions. Who knows the “right” answers? What are the rules today? How do we operate our businesses for the good of everyone? Are we supposed to force people to get COVID vaccinations when some people have already had COVID and are immune or have some health issues that make having a vaccination dangerous? Is Management trying to force things and the people are resisting because they do not want to get pushed around? Is Management just an extension of the Government?

No one person knows the answers. Yet, when we partner, we can do a lot better. You do know your own workplaces and the people who work there. Collectively, you know what is best for you, and what will keep you from splitting up into various factions. You know the playing field you are on. Talk together so everyone has a good picture of what you are trying to do. Talking and sharing is important because everyone has a different picture. In sharing, a clearer picture can be developed by all.

partner through collaboration in leadership

Partnering through Collaboration (Leadership Approach) is your Guide

As you talk about developing a clearer picture of your new playing field, let the conversation move on to trying to figure out how to manage yourselves on this field the best you can. Your goal is to help each other get through all this confusion so everyone can work safely, people can keep their jobs, and your business do the best it can. Develop some co-created agreements about how you are going to manage and deal with problems so things can be the best they can be. Listen to everyone and explore the best ways to work together in these difficult times. In having this conversation, you are establishing the ground rules for working together as partners. Be open to the constant need to pay attention to what is happening around you so you can be resilient and flexible as things change.

Having developed a clear picture of your playing field and co-creating how you’ll play in these confusing times, to go and do what needs to be done. Do the work, adjusting together as you go. Help each other, share information, treat everyone with respect. Avoid blame and fighting which will tear you apart.

No one know just the right answers, so you will have to develop your own as best you can. If you just default to today’s edicts, you’ll have to change them tomorrow when some new edict is issued. Take control of your destiny as best you can.

the road to successThe goal is to get through all this safely, keep your people and business thriving and active, building stronger relationships for partnering and working together. This is a tough challenge, but who knows your workplace and the people better than you. You can work things out together.

Remember these 3 tenets of Partnering through Collaboration (Leadership approach):

  • Understand the big picture – What’s your frame of reference?
  • Continually Build Relationships with all people
  • Share Information…openly, widely, often, in various ways

We at Richard N. Knowles and Associates help the people in organizations to develop partnering with our Partnering Through Collaboration approach. It is a specific Leadership process that we can teach you to utilize as you move through your stressors. We have a long, successful track record in this work. You can move forward quickly. To learn more about this, please give us a call at 716-622-6467 and see our web site at The calls are free.

Working Together Makes All the Difference

When we are asked to come into an organization to help them improve their safety performance, we do not work on safety in the traditional sense.

We work with them to identify an important, complex problem they want to solve. It needs to be a problem that everyone thinks they know about and wants to solve. While the stated problem is something like, “How do we improve our total safety performance?,” their problems are usually much deeper than this surface level. We help the people to find the deeper problem that is driving a lot of their poor safety performance.

working safely together requires teamwork

We then gather a group of people together from across the organization, from the top management to people on the floor, and have a focused conversation about their problems. Our workshops usually last 1-2 days, depending on the size of the organization. As the people open up, a lot of important information emerges. Their answers are arranged around a circle (circles indicate wholeness), and they discover who and what they are as a group and how to work together in resolving this concern for the long-term.

This figure illustrates the process:

collaboration model shows who and what we are together

As they look at their question from these nine perspectives, the collective intelligence of the whole group rises. People often tell us that they did not know that they knew so much.

As they talk together, they discover that their main problem is in how they chose to work together which they describe when they talk about their Principles and Standards. Initially, a lot of dysfunctional behavior surfaces. They see that stuff like bullying, harassment, and lying are really causing their poor performance across the organization. It’s not just in poor safety performance. These poor behaviors contaminate all their work.

Paul Glover of the Forbes Coaches Council reported recently in LinkedIn that 48% of American workers are looking for other work because of dysfunctional behaviors like these, 70% see no reason to speak up about problems because they fear their bosses and co-workers, and only 33% are working at optimal levels. There is little psychological safety for raising and resolving problems together. Many organizations are in denial about problems like these. These dysfunctional behaviors adversely impact all aspects of the organization’s performance, and lots of people want to get out of there. Leadership, unfortunately, is in denial – often because egos are involved, or they don’t know how to turn things around. Yet it doesn’t have to be that way!

Note: This model works, when you decide it is time to make that big difference for your organization, to be intentional about the safety of your people! This model becomes your extraordinary leadership magnet for improved safety performance – because it contains all the critical elements – and because it is collaborative, alignment and effectiveness comes quickly.

Most people want to work in organizations where everyone is working together for the good of the whole. Leaders are seeking better ways for embracing safety. People want to be proud of their place of work and feel good about it. So, in our workshops we help the people to tap into this way of working and everything gets better, quickly. For example, we have seen the safety performance change for the better the very next day. When people decide that they want to change, they do it.

Call me at 716-622-6467 soon and share with me the safety concerns that are happening in your organization. It’s a free consultation. Leaders are looking for answers…I’ll demonstrate for you how quickly your safety issues can be rectified, and your people can be more engaged in the betterment, as well.

Stress in the Workplace

The complexities and conflicting messages related to Covid, the shortages of skilled people to fill jobs, along with the related excessive overtime and the emerging supply-chain mess are driving stress through the roof.

remove stress from the workplace

This stress is hitting all sorts of businesses and organizations.

According to a recent AP story, a major hospital in Missouri has seen a big jump in violence related incidents. In 2019, they had 94 violence related crimes, including 43 assaults and 17 injuries. In 2020, they had 152 violence related crimes, including 123 assaults and 78 injuries. The American Hospital Association reports a big increase in violence related problems, but since most are not reported to the police, so the numbers are unclear.

Many businesses are struggling to get people to fill their open positions as business activity grows. But since the openings remain, the employees are forced into excessive over-time. Some organizations are running at close to 20% overtime, which is wearing the people out. In one organization we know, many people have been required to work seven-day schedules for weeks, which is not the right way to treat people. This causes excessive fatigue and is very hard on the families.

Now we have an emerging supply chain crisis. There are over 60 ships awaiting to dock and unload in Los Angeles because there are not enough truck drivers to move the freight out to customers. This is impacting businesses of all sizes.

In one automobile agency, I heard a salesperson telling a customer that she would have to wait for her car until at least January 2022. I was talking with a small business owner whose business is etching decorative glassware. He said he was suffering in his business because he can’t get glass ware for his customers.

All this increasing stress is leading to more injuries and incidents. All of us in each of our businesses and organizations need to be very cognizant of this and try to keep stress levels to a minimum. We need to help each other and care for each other. We are all in this together so let’s make the best of this and go the extra mile in being patient and helpful.

A different approach to solving our problems is needed.

In the scientific and technical world in which most safety people have grown up, the dominant approach to problem solving has be a reductionist one. We were taught to look carefully at a problem, dissect it, understand the parts, and fix what is needed. We were taught to depend on fundamentals like Newton’s Laws, for example. Using the reductionist approach to solve safety problems may be reaching its limit, based on the fact that, the number of fatalities is gradually increasing and the rate of drop in all injuries I very slow.

The speed of change and the complexity of the problems has increased so much that we need a different approach to solving problems. This different approach has been developing over the last 50 or so years. This is called systems thinking.

In this approach, we are taught to look at the whole and the parts together and try to understand their inter-relationships and interactions. All the problems are connected so we can only understand the system using a different thinking approach. In systems thinking we look at relationships, patterns, and processes, asking question about how things are related, about the recurring patterns of behavior you see and what are the processes of interaction happening over and over. This is a big shift from looking at things, to looking at how people are interacting.

It can feel like we are giving up our quantitative approach to something that is more qualitative. It felt like this to me at first, but as I shifted my focus away from things to the way people interact, our safety and business performance improved. As I shifted my focus and way of thinking, I found that everything changed. As I worked with people using this systems’ thinking approach our safety and total business performance quickly improved.

The Leadership Dance by Richard N. KnowlesSystems thinking is something you need to learn in order to develop a higher level of your own performance.

If you read my book, The Leadership Dance: Pathways to Extraordinary Organizational Performance, available from Amazon, you can read about my own journey into learning about systems thinking, as well as offering some useful complexity tools.

This is a powerful, effective way of working, which I highly recommend.


less stress for organizational success

Improving Workplace Safety for Your Employees…

Many Thousands of People are Being Injured and Killed at Work

Many, many good, safety professionals are working to maintain and improve workplace safety. Yet the number of people losing their lives in our workplaces (in just 4 years) has increased from 4,836 in 2015 to 5,333 in 2019, based on the Bureau of Labor Statistics. From 2015 through 2019 there have been 25,746 people who have lost their lives at work. To put this into an alarming perspective, compare this to the losses in Afghanistan since 2001 (over twenty years) where there have been 3,592 allied forces who have been killed, based on Associated Press.

With all the effort put into improving safety performance in our workplaces, why have we not seen a reduction in the number of people being killed at work? New papers sharing improved ways to ‘improve workplace safety’ are presented at safety conferences by the American Society of Safety Professionals, the American Institute of Chemical Engineers’ Global Congress on Process Safety, and many smaller conferences as well as in publications in a variety of journals. The informational know-how is available!

Each of the specialties of occupational safety, occupational health and process safety management have a huge amount of information that has been developed over the years to improve safety performance. While some progress has been made in reducing the total number of injuries from a rate of 3.0 in 2015 to 2.8 in 2019 (2,814,000 injuries) this seems slow to me.

What is Missing?

The fruits of all this work has to be carried out by the people actually doing the physical work, those close to the actual operating and maintenance processes. We need to help these people, and not just pile more stuff onto them.

wokrplace safety comes down to the frontline people

I have found in all my 60 years in working in research, production and consulting globally that a missing link is not talking with the front-line people and exploring and learning together how to improve the work so that fewer injuries and incidents occur. None of us have all the answers. We need each other. (Talking down to people doesn’t work; talking to people (one-way) doesn’t work—the key is in talking with our people!)

Here is a Simple Solution…

When I was the Plant Manager at the 1,300 person, DuPont Belle, WV Chemical Plant I changed this. In my leading process, I spent 4-5 hours a day for 7+years walking around in the Plant, being respectful, sharing information, listening, asking how I could help the people, asking them for their help, learning together to improve things and building trust and interdependence. I talked with everyone. My mantra was “I do not have a right to make my living at a place where it is okay for you to get hurt, and we have to make a living, so let’s figure this out together.”

Our injury rate dropped by about 97% in three years, emissions to the environment dropped by about 96% in 4 years, productivity rose about 45% and earnings rose about 300%. Safety is connected to everything so as we made safety improvements everything else improved. In this approach which I call “Partner-Centered Leadership”, all parts of our safety work came together as shown here.

partner centered leadership for workplace safety

Each of occupational safety, health and process safety have their unique knowledge and management disciplines. When they are brought together, in the region of overlap in the center of this Venn Diagram, this is where the people and the leading process described above come together. In addition to talking with everyone about all the dimensions of our safety work as I walked around, there was one place where this all came together and was clear to everyone. Our monthly Central Safety Meetings were open, and all aspects of our safety work were discussed openly with everyone. All questions and concerns were welcome, and fixed. I strongly urged our supervisors to talk with their people and the engineers to sit with the operators to teach them the elements of process safety.

This is Simple.

Go into your workplaces, respectfully talk with the people, listen, share, ask them where you can be of more help, help them to follow up on their ideas and concerns, solve problems, build trust, and have everyone go home healthy and in one piece. Engagement!

You can do this!

To learn more about this approach see our web sites: and or give us a call at 716-622-6467.

Ours is not to wonder why? Ours is to do or die!

It has been over 50 years since President Richard Nixon signed into law the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Act.

safety is important in organizationsWe are all familiar with OSHA as both a regulator for Safety Standards and Compliance in the workplace and as an Educator (offering Information and Training across-the-board on the OSH standards). Indeed, if you’ve not looked lately, go to and scroll through the various topics available for your learning.

Have you ever wondered what our workplaces might be like if OSHA had not been enacted? Would employers, on their own, protect the health and safety of their employees? If there was no law that employers “must” have PPE, or Lock & Tag, or Vessel Entry, or Machine Guards, or Eye Wash stations…would they? If there was no expectation of you, would you be your brother’s/sister’s keeper in the workplace?

You may make sport of these questions because, obviously, times have changed.

There is so much more awareness to safety, to life and limb, than in 1970 when OSHA came into fruition. And sometimes, the regulations seem like they go overboard in detail. Still, what we know deeply is that every one of the regulations was written in blood – meaning someone was killed or severely injured – and that prompted the writing of the regulation to avoid additional victims falling prey to similar work circumstances.

The standards underscore the safe way of doing things, to reduce the hazards and reduce the opportunities for being hurt, maimed, or killed. The OSHA mandated rules and procedures have had a big, positive impact in improving workplace safety. But these only get compliance in most organizations.

Today, even with the OSHA laws in place, about 5,300+ workers become victims of job-related fatalities every year. Why is that?  Even with increasing numbers of Safety Professionals working within almost every facility, why is it that we keep killing so many people? Even with the oodles of hours of safety and health training that is conducted, why do these violations and tragedies continue?

We believe that a lot of the safety-related problems are systems problems. These are deeper than the things we can see on the surface like a specific incident or injury.

We need to dig in more deeply to find the things that are driving the surface problems. What is happening in the whole system and why? When we do this work, together, we can find things to fix that make a big, positive difference.

For example, we know that critical factors are the open flow of information for everyone, treating each other with respect and dignity and helping people to see how their work is important for the success of the whole organization. These ideas rarely show up in an incident report, yet from a systems point of view, these are huge.

We need commitments from across the organization
for improved safety.
It is all about everyone going home in one piece!

When we take a systems approach, we all get involved. The people and the company, together, working for improved safety results. Individual safety attitudes, fatigue, complacency, lack of taking responsibility, taking shortcuts and carelessness are addressed in the systems approach, and lead to fewer risks and serious injuries, even deaths.

Training must be meaningfully connected to the real work. Keeping track of injuries and incidents is also essential – why? These lagging indicators are one way to tell us if we are on the right track. But we do not use these to try to manage safety; we use leading indicators like the amount of time we spend in the field with the people, sharing information, listening, learning, solving problems and fixing them at an early stage; this is a powerful leading indicator.

We don’t want to return to the era where peoples lives or limbs accounted for little. Rather, that OSHA’s stated purpose for every company is fulfilled: “Each employer shall furnish a place of employment which is free/protected from recognized hazards that are causing or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm to their employees.”

I repeat my mantra:

It is not okay for me to work and make my living
where it is okay for you to get hurt – physically or psychologically.
So, let’s figure it out together…how to profitably stay in business
and stay safe and secure all at the same time.

What differentiates a good safety culture? Internalized, focused communications…up and down. It is the energetic daily conversations that are crucial for having a safe workplace and safe attitudes.

Because, through conversation you engage employees to think for themselves, in turn, focus (less auto-pilot) and ultimately, to develop a discipline where the employee thinks things through (daily), has the autonomy (choice) in addressing the perceived greatest risks, and overall, the daily conversation becomes the “muscle” – to active caring – building relationships. (And no one gets hurt!)

Plus, the more awareness of our surroundings we develop the better off we are from being surprised by workplace hazards, or from bullying emerging, or from being surprised by a perpetrator entering our workplace to do harm. Awareness matters in both the safety of doing our tasks and in the security of surveying our environment. Call me to learn more about the processes we use to heighten safety, security, effectiveness, performance. Culture matters.

With the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, Congress created the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to ensure safe and healthful working conditions for workers by setting and enforcing standards and by providing training, outreach, education and assistance. Note: OSHA has now weighed in on Workplace Violence as any act or threat of physical violence, harassment, intimidation, or other threatening disruptive psychological behavior that occurs at the work site. It ranges from threats and verbal abuse to physical assaults and even homicide.

OSHA'S 2020 Top 10 Most Frequently Cited Violations

Top 10

  1. Fall Protection, construction
  2. Hazard Communication Standard, general industry
  3. Respiratory Protection, general industry
  4. Scaffolding, general requirements, construction
  5. Ladders, construction
  6. Control of Hazardous Energy (lockout/tagout), general industry
  7. Powered Industrial Trucks, general industry
  8. Fall Protection – Training Requirements
  9. Eye and Face Protection
  10. Machinery and Machine Guarding, general requirements

What we know is that companies must have a company culture that embodies both a systems perspective and a strong safety focus. How does your company stack up? We wrote the book on improving safety culture – give me a call if you need a re-set – 716-622-6467.

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