If the Organization is Dysfunctional…Safety Can’t get Fixed

To really improve safety in an organization, the people (all the employees) need to come together and fix the whole system.

This is much more than just a safety issue in an organization. It is a “together” issue.

My Experiences:

Top-Down Organizations

I have been working in various aspects of safety for over 60 years. Almost all the organizations with which I have worked have been top-down managed. This approach has been used by armies, churches, governments, and businesses for centuries. Those in control, at the top, issue the orders and rules, the managers in the middle of the organization are expected to follow and impose these onto the people at the bottom of the organization.

This probably made sense when most of the population was poorly educated and illiterate. But now, here in the USA and other developed countries, this is not the case. Most of the people are fairly intelligent and manage their personal lives quite well. They raise families, buy homes and cars, have complex hobbies, etc. They know how to do a lot of things pretty well.

When these people work in top-down organizations where they are not treated with respect, told what to do, and are pushed around like the interchangeable parts of a machine, they are not usually very happy or productive. Dysfunctional behaviors and troubles like bullying, resistance to change, cutting corners, poor morale and performance, anger, and frustration cause huge losses, like terrible productivity and people quitting.

When safety improvement efforts like bringing in a consultant to fix the safety culture, or to improve safety practices like behavior-based safety, or improve participation are conducted, they often meet a lot of resistance and do not sustain themselves. Most people do not like to be pushed around and treated as if they do not have a brain.

In this environment, it is very difficult to make good safety improvements and very, very hard to sustain the programs. People keep getting hurt and killed.

safety can't get fixed if the organization is dysfunctional

Partner-Centered Leadership

In working in and leading organizations, I have found that people want to be treated with respect, listened to, share ideas, and learn together. These apply to people in all the various parts of the organization, not just safety.

Our Partner-Centered Leadership Workshops include a broad cross-section of people from around the organization and from different levels so that the whole of the organizational system is together for the work. We help people to see their organization as if it is a living system.

As the workshop process develops, the people can see the whole, the parts and the interaction of the parts, which opens-up all sorts of new, creative ideas. Everything is connected to everything else.

As they learn to work together in new ways, they co-create the changes they want to make and a new culture begins to emerge out of the conversations. The whole organization changes and improves, including their safety performance. The improvements are sustained through their ongoing conversations in the days and months after the workshop.

real leadership is effective leaders in an organization


In the big plant where I was the manager, the people improved their safety culture and cut the injury rate by 97% and increased earnings by 300%. We have seen similar changes in companies where we have conducted these workshops.


In highly functional organizations, safety, along with everything else, gets a lot better.

A lot of leaders are looking for the silver bullet to be able to lead in all situations, and to especially make needed safety improvements and to effect extraordinary change. There is a way: it is a framework we teach (Process Enneagram), which works because it is highly principle-based and partner-centered. And, because it is a tool for dealing with complex situations and multiple variables.

Call me (716-622-6467) – our team can help you learn and apply this effective leadership tool.

Why Are So Many People Being Killed and Injured at Work?

A New Safety Leadership Paradigm is Needed

This is a question I have been thinking about for quite some time. There are lots of good people working to improve our safety performance, yet the numbers hardly change from one year to the next. In reading Kuhn’s “The Structure of Scientific Revolutions” (1962), the idea of a paradigm shift comes to mind. A paradigm shift is when the basic concepts and practices of a particular area of study need to change. Perhaps a change in the way we approach total safety performance is needed; we need a safety leadership paradigm change!

Background: Our Current Safety Management Paradigm

For years we have looked at the structure of organizations as if they are machines focusing on things, equipment and tools, even seeing people (the employees) as if they were merely interchangeable parts of the machine. Since the advent of OSHA, this approach has really improved the total safety performance of most organizations, yet across our industry we now seem to be stuck. The underlying pattern is one driven by fear of failure and punishment. The energy is driven down from the top with little feedback. Most people resist processes of power and change being imposed on them. Information flow is restricted to a “need to know” basis. Perhaps we have improved total safety performance about as much as we can using this approach. I know from my own experience as a plant manager in leading this way, that improving and sustaining the safety performance is slow and difficult.

with safety leadership businesses can be safer

Partner-Centered Leadership: A New Safety Leadership Paradigm

I spent a lot of my time as the plant manager studying how and why organizations work or not. The ideas coming out of the new insights about complexity, chaos, and complex adaptive systems offered a different way to lead. I learned to see organizations as if they are living systems and a new paradigm formed. I saw people as caring and partners in our work together. The relationships with and among the people became the most important feature of our work. People want to be respected. They want to be heard. They have ideas they want to share. They know more about their work specific work than I did as the Plant Manager.

We shared information abundantly providing almost constant feedback to each other. We co-created our future using a guided conversational process called “The Process Enneagram” (see my YouTube videos to learn about this process). We learned Self-Organizing Leadership and developed the Partner-Centered Leadership approach1. People took responsibility for their work and new ideas constantly emerged as we talked together. Change happened as we learned to work together in new ways finding the results of work getting better and better. The collective intelligence of the people blossomed.

The people (everyone) and I had to learn to work this way as we worked together. We gradually found that the safety performance (TRIFR down 97% in 4 years) and everything else improved. As we learned about Self-Organizing Leadership, we realized that as people self-organized around their work that the system needed to be held together with a container that allowed the flow of information and energy but did not overcontrol the system. I called this container “The Bowl.” Some people talk about needing “guide rails,” which is also a useful idea.

A Comparison of the Managing and Partner-Centered Leadership

I wrote a paper for Professional Safety in 2022 about our work at our plant and comparing the effectiveness of the Managing and Partner-Centered Leadership processes2. It clearly showed the superiority of the Partner-Centered Leadership process.

The Partner-Centered Leadership process may very well be the new paradigm that is needed to greatly reduce the number of people being killed (~5,200/year) and injured (~2,400,000 people/year).

Please seriously consider this and let’s work to get a lot better. This is not just trying harder; it is really about doing things differently and more effectively.

Please give me a call and let’s talk about how this can happen for your organization.

An Invitation to Make A Difference

In many of my posts, I have talked about the high number of people being killed and injured at work.

There are many safety professionals and others working to improve safety, yet the number of deaths and lost time injuries remains relatively constant at about 5,200 deaths and 2,500,000 lost time injuries a year. We need to make a difference in the workplace.

I am not seeming to have much impact in reducing these numbers (by myself) and am wondering about gathering some interested, knowledgeable, professional people together in Zoom conversations to explore possible ways to reduce the number of deaths and injuries. I’m looking for people who care deeply about this too.

I do not know if anything will come out of these conversations of concern, but there is a real possibility we could accomplish something to help reduce these tragedies. I would be willing to host these conversations.

make a difference

Let’s Make a Difference!

If we can look at this from a systems perspective, important ideas and real possibilities will likely emerge. The systems approach will give us a much deeper perspective of the whole system than we normally use, and this could lead to some really good ideas and possibilities.

If any of you readers want to give the conversations of concern a try, please contact me at RNKnowles@aol.com. I’ll see what we can put together. I have an expectation that we can make a difference.

make a difference together

Overcome feelings of Impatience in the Workplace

When leadership can help employees overcome feelings of impatience, frustration and anger, the energy and creativity of the people emerges, enabling much quicker, better decisions and more effective work to take place.


In a long road trip over this Labor Day Weekend, we got stuck in an hour-long traffic jam on a very busy Interstate Highway. The GPS message was “Your route is closed.” We were sitting on the 3-lane highway with big trucks all around us and there was no way out.

My impatience level went way up as we just sat without knowing anything about the stoppage or a possible alternative way out. Other car drivers were also getting impatient and beginning to make poor decisions. For example, several impatient drivers wiggled thru tight spaces, actually turning their respective vehicles around – then began their journey against the normal traffic flow, maneuvering along the shoulder to get to the last exit we had passed so they could get off the Interstate and go around the holdup on secondary roads.

We just waited with the trucks to see what was going to happen. After about an hour the traffic began to move and open up. We never saw the source of the holdup, but we had a sigh of relief to be able to move forward again.

overcoming frustration and impatience in the work place


I began to think about the times in my own career when things got bogged down or we had had an incident that stopped everything. I struggled with these same feelings of impatience. Everyone was impatient and frustrated. Some people wanted to just push through before we had given things enough consideration to understand what was wrong and see a way out of the problem. Others spent time in their offices, away from the situation, trying to dictate solutions; it is easy to come up with possible solutions when you do not know what is really going on. This really became frustrating when the corporate people tried to tell us how to solve our problem. Others wanted to cut through the safety procedures since they felt the procedures were getting in our way.

We were all impatient, anxious, angry, struggling with a strong sense of urgency and frustration. This is a dangerous situation where it is very easy to make dreadful mistakes. The people working close to the problem feel acute pressure to solve the problem and get going. They are extremely aware that their managers want to get going. Their managers are also under a lot of pressure from their managers or from sales or from customers to get going.

The people working close to the problem are aware of all these pressures, but also know that they have to do things right so no one gets hurt, so the process will really run correctly when things are restored, and so there will not be a new safety or environmental incident on startup.

Leadership’s Role

In these situations of high frustration and impatience, the people close to the work need to be helped and supported by their management and leaders.

As a Plant Manager, my role was to create a safe space for those working close to the problem to think things through, organize themselves, plan the restoration processes, and make the other decisions needed to get back up and running safely. The operators, mechanics, engineers, and safety people know what needs to be done, so as the Plant Manager, my role was to create a safe space where they could do their work. I also reminded them to work with high safety, environmental and customer standards, helping each other to do their best in the situation.

As we shared information on the progress to solve the problem and the things around it, we also helped to maintain respect and caring among everyone and gave credit to them as progress was made. These made a big, positive difference.

When we can minimize the feelings of impatience, frustration and anger, the energy and creativity of the people emerges, enabling much quicker, better decisions and more effective work to take place. This is Partner-Centered Leadership in action!

Call me at 716-622-6467 and I’ll be pleased to talk to you about Partner-Centered Leadership. It is the way forward.

feelings of impatience in the workplace

It Sure Is Hot Outside so Watch Out for Heat Exhaustion!

There is a lot of concern about the heat and related problems like heat exhaustion.

It would be great if all our workplaces were air conditioned so no one would get heat exhaustion, but that is not the case. Some places are open and air can circulate if there is a breeze. Some places have big fans to circulate the air. Some places are stifling and difficult for everyone. Some people must work outside in lawn care or construction.

OSHA and others want employers to provide relief in some way for heat exhaustion, but that is not always possible. This is very tough, no one has all the answers, and there are no easy solutions. In situations like this, the people doing the work need to be actively involved in trying to figure out how to mitigate the heat hazard and help each other as much as they can.

I heard of one group of men who made cast-iron castings who decided to work wearing only eye protection, gloves and boots. But that does not meet anyone’s safety standards. I read about others trying to lower the heat stress by changing their workday to start very early in the morning before the heavy heat of the day. Staying hydrated remains the key preventative to heat stress and exhaustion.

People are creative and can come up with many good ideas so that they don’t get heat exhaustion.

watch out for heat exhaustion in the heat

I liked to sit down with the people to talk together about how our particular group could handle the heat stress issues we were facing. Often creative solutions came up that would provide some relief. Perhaps it was a schedule change, wearing broad-brimmed hats, shortening the hours on really bad days, or taking longer breaks with ice-water or gator-aid in cooler chests to drink. These days cool-gel neck wraps and cooling vests are worth considering.

There are a variety of ways that people can use for their work situation that are safe and appropriate. As people come up with these ideas, talk together about how to best manage things to reduce the likelihood of someone having a heat stress problem. Try to figure out together what the best solution will be for your group under your conditions. I have found that involving the people in trying to figure this out usually results in the best solutions.

Ever wonder what people did to keep cool before air conditioning? Take a look at this short history lesson from History.com, “11 Ways People Beat the Heat Before Air Conditioning.”

The Politics

The political issues heading into the next few weeks and months and into this next election are very hot and difficult. It is best if you can keep them out of the organization – verbal political hostility can escalate quickly.

Political arguments can be a big distraction and lead to loss of productivity, increased injuries, and even workplace violence like bullying or even fights. Hostile environments can be fed by politics that turn mean and dismissive. Try to keep these heat issues out of the workplace. Employers need to remind employees that everyone has their right to their own political views, and because we endeavor to have a civil and respectful environment – where everyone is free from abuse of any kind – we need to keep our political views apart from our workplace.

The …isms

There are so many …isms that all sorts of distractions can come up. Opinions are very strong and tempers fly. Try to keep these debates out of the workplace. We all know better.

watch out for heat exhaustion in the heat

There is Relief for Everything, including Heat Exhaustion

Sit with the people together to talk about all the heat/hydration issues. Listen and let people talk about them without criticism. After having identified the most important ones for your group, talk together about ideas and ways that you all can work together and minimize the various heat stress problems as best you can. Develop a list that is most important for your situation and ask everyone to agree to work together so that things can be cooler, safer and healthier. Post these around the workplace so everyone can see them and live up to them.

Many of our problems we can solve ourselves so let’s do it! Give me a call at 716-622-6467 if you’d like to talk about this – happy to share with you.

Shifting Our Thinking and Behavior

We should be shifting our thinking and behavior.

I have written a lot about our whole safety system in the US being stuck for the last 8 years, with about 5,200 fatalities and 2,400,000 serious injuries a year.  There is a lot of effort by many people, but the results are not getting better. That’s why we should be shifting our thinking and behavior.

I have also written and spoken a lot about Partner Centered Leadership, which is a very effective process to help organizations get a lot better in all dimensions of performance. In this process everyone thinks and works together with caring, respect, honesty, and trust. We all help each other to be our best.

shifting our thinking and behavior

Partner Centered Leadership requires a significant shift in how the managers lead.

I used to use the hard, top-down management approach. But I had to shift my thinking and behavior to being more open, really caring and working with the people, listening and learning together.

This is not just trying to be a better top-down manager. It is a complete shift to real partnering and caring.

The way I thought about the people and the huge knowledge they have about their actual work had to change. I had to learn to talk with the people and not at them. I had to listen.

Organizations are complex adaptive systems behaving more like a living system than a machine. No one has all the answers, so we had to co-create our future together. We found that our collective knowledge and intelligence were amazing. As this became revealed in our work, we all got more and more excited about what we were trying to do.

We discovered a relatively simple complexity tool called the Process Enneagram that we could use together so we could:

  • see the whole system in which we were working,
  • see the various parts and
  • see how they interacted.

This was the first time we could see this way; it really helped us.

The Three Levels of Work

As we learned, we also became quite conscious of different, interdependent, interacting, simultaneous levels of work processes. When you watch a soccer game you can see the three levels of activities.

  • At the Level 1, the players on the field are self-organizing as the game unfolds. They are making instantaneous decisions using the clues and actions they take in as they play. The best decisions are made by them as the game goes on.
  • At Level 2, the coaches on the side lines are making decisions based on what they are seeing. They see different things. They will call in plays, make decisions about replacing a tired player, think about improving or adjusting the over-all strategy, and cheer the players to perform better.
  • At Level 3, the referees make sure the conditions for the game are consistent with the league rules. They work on stuff like proper ball pressure, and the correct markings on the field as well as making sure everyone is playing fairly, calling penalties and managing the over-all game. If the players and coaches do not play by the agreed upon rules, the game will fall apart and no longer be soccer.

In Partner Centered Leadership, all three levels are working. Together we co-create the agreements of how we are going to live and work together at Level 3. All of us are accountable and take responsibility for them. The Level 3 agreements govern everything and are the difference in whether the organization is successful or not.

Those of us in management or leadership positions are at Level 2; we respectfully interact with the people sharing information about how the people and the business are doing. We ask for their help and ideas about how to get better. We encourage people to make decisions close to their work, with consultation with others who are also close and knowledgeable. We also use our situational awareness as we interact sensing problems like bullying or harassment, or how the organization is feeling at that moment, etc.

Those doing the actual, physical work at Level 1 are constantly learning and sharing so we are all improving. Making decisions close to work is usually the best place to make them. This is like the idea of “work-as-done” and “work-as-imagined.”

Shifting Our Thinking and Behavior: Partner Centered Leadership

When I was the plant manager, walking the plant every day, I operated at Levels 2 and 3. At Level 2 I talked respectfully with the people to help to build trust and interdependence. I shared lots of information about all we were doing. I also encouraged their decision-making, praising their successes. I also apologized for my mistakes.

I also worked at Level 3 as I talked about our agreements on how we wanted to work together. I would watch what was going on praising good behaviors, and if I detected poor behavior, we would talk about it. Rarely, I would have to address a bullying or harassment problem; these cannot be ignored since they are like a rotten apply and will spoil everything unless the behavior is eliminated.

I rarely worked at Level 1 since the operators, mechanics, engineers, first line supervisors, and safety people (we had 4 safety people) knew far more than I did. My Level 2 and 3 work enabled them to grow and be their best.

In leading this way, all 1,300 of us together, reduced injuries by 97%, and emissions to the environment by 95%. Our productivity rose by 45% and earnings rose by 300%. We did this in just 4 years.

Partner Centered Leadership really helped us all to get a lot better!

The shift in thinking and doing is worth it!

working together means success

Shifting our thinking and doing are critical in helping to lead our organizations to a successful, safer and more prosperous future. Partner Centered Leadership will really help your organization to prosper.

I’m heartened to learn about the Safety Futures’ – Advanced Safety Professional Practice, a 12-week program under David Provan, (Melbourne, Australia), having recently graduated 100 newly-enlightened Safety Professionals. This program covers the critical professional practice capabilities that are not taught well in other health and safety professional development programs. Click here for David’s LinkedIn profile.

Please give me a call (716-622-6467) or contact me at RNKnowles@aol.com. I will be pleased to connect with you about the “shift.”

A Story: Make Shi(f)t Happen in the Workplace

When I was first promoted into a low-level manager’s job, my mentors were tough “Kick Ass-Take Names” (KATN) managers.

They were “it is my way or the highway” type people.

Our focus was on things, and we saw the organization as a machine and the people as challenges we had to make work for us. I modeled this and was quite good at KATN, but it was tough, progress was limited, and people were angry most of the time.

Then one day there was a modest-sized fire in one of the chemical production units in the big plant where I was the Plant Manager. All the ugliness, arguing, complaining disappeared and in an instant, the people became a high-performance team. In just three weeks of amazing work, the plant was back into production, but then people reverted to their terrible behavior.

Sometime later, as I walked the plant talking together with the people who were most impacted by the fire, I found that they really liked the way they worked during the fire repairs. People helped each other, they shared all information, were respectful, they told the truth, they made decisions themselves close to the work; this way of working meant a lot to them. They were quite excited as they reminisced about the fire and restoration experience. At one point I said to them “Fellas, we can’t burn the darn place down every few months so we can feel good. We have to figure this out.”

partner-centered leadership in the workplace

I began by walking the Plant for 3-5 hours a day, every day, among the people, listening and learning about their work and ideas, discovering that many of them were quite remarkable. I asked for their help and encouraged them to solve as many problems as they could themselves. I held weekly communications forums (in various venues across the plant) to keep everyone updated on the business, events, changes, etc., and answered everyone’s questions. Energy and good ideas bubbled up as the deep intelligence and creativity of the people emerged each day. Within just three years, the injury rate was down 97%, emissions to the environment were down 95%, productivity was up 45%, and earnings were up 300%.

In walking among the people, talking, listening, and sharing, everything changed. My role was to encourage the sharing of information, helping to maintain the vision and mission of our work as well as insisting on maintaining high standards of performance. Those doing the front-line work did remarkable things to make significant improvements. We all developed our agreements on how we would behave and work together which formed a rock-solid basis of our culture.

For example, we agreed to tell the truth, listen to, and respect each other, and apologize for mistakes. I was part of this; I had to model the behaviors. We held each other accountable to live up to our agreements. We had discovered that the organization behaved as if it was a living system where the key for success was in all of us, how we related and agreed to work together. We had created the conditions where everyone could learn, grow and be the best we could be. I asked everyone for help because we in supervision surely did not know everything. Many people already knew this.

Partner-Centered Leadership

We had shifted from a fear driven, KATN culture where relationships were poor, where it was hard for people to learn and grow, where change was slow and difficult, to a partnering culture where we cared for each other, learned, and grew to levels of performance we never imagined. I call this way of working “Partner-Centered Leadership.”

Everyone began to shift from sitting back like consumers, waiting for management to bring in various, new safety offerings like better safety meetings, training courses like behavior-based safety, new PPE, better safety equipment, new hazards analysis processes, more process safety management, management inspections like walk-arounds, big safety conferences, special OSHA training, and new versions of safety like Safety II and Safety Differently, to becoming active citizens and leaders taking the initiative and responsibility to be creative, to explore new ways to do things so we could all get better and help to solve most of our problems.

partner centered leadership can make a difference in workplace safety

If new training or equipment was needed, groups could select from a broad variety of safety offerings to fill the need. We took responsibility for the whole plant system, our safety, environment, health, production, HR, quality, customer service, and community relations; they all came together. The separate stovepipes almost disappeared as we realized that we were all in it together, needing each other to be successful. We were a whole system with all the parts connected and interacting all the time. Through the process of partnering at all levels, our total performance went way up. Morale and a strong sense of belonging developed which felt good.

As we worked together this way, we learned to sustain this way of working. For example, the safety and health performance achieved a TIFR (Total Injury Frequency Rate) rate of ~0.3, and it was sustained at this world-class level for 19 years; this lasted for 14 years after I was transferred to a new assignment. I wrote an article about this in the American Society of Safety Professionals Journal, Professional Safety, which showed that Partner-Centered Leadership was far more effective than KATN.

Doing It

This way of leading requires a shift in management’s thinking about the people to seeing them as whole people with families, hopes, dreams, and a big creative capacity. It requires a shift in management’s behavior about developing relationships of caring, trust and commitment. It requires a willingness to treat each other with respect, to listen together, learn, grow. It means inviting everyone to work together to become our best. It requires giving people credit for their contributions.

It does not mean losing control of high standards, suffering with incompetent people, putting up with toxic behaviors and sloppy performance. It does not require new capital investment, new computers, and training. It requires a willingness to be with the people to talk together about the problems we face, to share almost all information and the need to solve problems at the lowest, appropriate level so our businesses can survive in this highly competitive, fast changing world. We also need to give credit where credit is due.

working together in the workplace

Everyone Wins

Partner-Centered Leadership builds morale and releases creative energy. The collective intelligence of the whole organization increases. It builds resilience and flexibility. Everyone together, co-creates their shared future. As the Plant Manager, I could throw leading by fear and KATN into the trash and shift to leading with deep caring, respect, integrity, and a great sense of satisfaction as all dimensions of performance significantly improved. It was wonderful to see how we all were growing and developing. All of us became winners!

A New Season for Relationships in the Workplace

We are coming into a new season of nature with emerging flowers, nesting birds, new gardens, and sunny, warmer days.

It is a time of anticipation of all the new things emerging from the winter hibernation. There is excitement and anticipation in the air. There is hope for new things. Spring is all about change and renewal.

There is also hope for new relationships with our families, friends, and co-workers. The bright, warm sun warms us all.

Suppose we have a new season at work where we develop stronger, more supportive relationships among us. Just imagine the positive impact this would have. There would probably be a lot fewer people getting hurt and a lot less toxicity if our workplaces were filled with caring and support.

New Relationships

In our February blog post, I introduced the idea of a Cycle of Change, which I show here.

change comes about through work experience

How much stronger would this Cycle of Change be if we could work together in an environment of caring and support? What would the morale look like? Would we be looking out for each other and helping where we could? Would we have more open conversations about what is going on and how we could improve things? Would there be a lot less bullying, dysfunction, and workplace violence? Would there be less fear and anxiety? Would the level of understanding among all organizational levels be a lot better? Would conflict between the people on the floor and the supervisors be less? Would we be growing a more sustainable, stronger culture? Would safety and environmental performance be better? Would productivity, quality, cost effectiveness, competitiveness be better?

It is interesting to think that all these would improve by just working on supporting and caring for each other. How we chose to work together has a big impact.

There are a lot of “would” words written above. And this one is used pointedly…Would that we all could understand and embrace this fundamental of life: “We change through the work we do together.” Leaders, especially need to connect these dots!

working together means success

Making Our Choice

Who decides that supporting and caring are important relationships to work on? Who will make you work this way? Are the ideas of support and caring important to you?

If they are important, can you act on them and spread this way of working, one person at a time? Can you help, and support each other as you spread this way of working?

Each of us can make a positive impact if we want to. What do you want? What do you decide?

Call me at 716-622-6467 and I’ll walk you through how quickly and easily you can adopt this framework to your business, your team, your group.

We Change Through the Work Itself: It is not complicated!

There’s a need for the crucial conversations to help the people in the organization to raise their awareness and identify ways to improve how they do their work together.

We often fall into routines, and skip thinking and talking about ways to improve things. Sometimes safety consultants are brought in to talk about the need to change the mindset of the workers and improve their safety culture.

I have a real problem with this approach.

The word “worker” sends a message that these people are somehow below us and maybe not so smart as we are. This is a terrible message. These people who are doing the work are really not much different than the rest of us. They have families, are paying their mortgages, paying their credit card debts, buying cars, etc. Most of the time they do their work safely and well. Why do we so often, at work, treat them as somehow inferior? In my experience, trying to fix and change someone’s mindset is a hard sell, meeting with resistance and often resentment.

Many of these “change” consultants offer various ways to change the culture, hoping that the people’s mindsets will also change. Most of these changes come across like New Years Resolutions. They sound good, but after a month or two, we drift back to our old habits and nothing really changes.

Change is a process and not a thing.

In my experience change comes about as we work together on something we need to improve, find better ways to do the work to make the improvement, agree on how we will do the work and then do the work. Change comes about through the experience of doing the work itself, together, and learning from that experience. The process looks something like this picture.

change comes about through work experience

This way of working requires open, honest conversations where everyone feels safe enough to share and contribute. As we learn together, amazing improvements begin to emerge. Visualize this as a learning helix. Each step lifts us from level to level.

The people who are close to the work have the best knowledge of what needs to be done. They do not have it all, so they need to talk with people outside the group like safety professionals, engineers, and others to be sure their ideas are the best they can be.

It will be interesting for you to talk together about these ideas. It would be fun to see how it works for you and your organization. Make a modest start and see what happens.

work issues can be solved together

As leaders in workplaces, we need to do better. Give me a call at 716-622-6467 or contact me via email and let’s talk about how you can do this – working with a real problem and genuinely involving the people – sharing their best to make it happen together.


Safety Works When People Work and Learn Together

The year 2023 was a busy and active year with all the increased business activities, increased construction, and lots of safety conferences.

I congratulate those of you who made progress in improving your company’s safety performance and had more people going home in one piece. It is a wonderful thing to know that you made a positive difference in someone’s life.

The safety challenges were difficult and relentless. The preliminary reports indicate that overall, the number of people getting killed or injured went up in most areas around the world, including the United States. There is so much to deal with like drugs, violence, the push for people to produce more and more with limited resources, more reporting, and the uncertain political and economic climate that is so distracting.

What sorts of changes can we all make in the way we are doing our safety work?

Just doing what we are doing, but harder and faster is not getting the improvements we need. Putting more safety people into the work may make a small difference, but not the step change we need to make.

when people work together safety works

My Learnings

One of the things I found that really made a big difference when I was working as a plant manager was going out among the people listening, talking together, getting to know them, and the challenges they had in doing their work. These are the people actually doing the physical work of manufacturing.

As a manager, sitting in my office, I had almost no idea about their daily challenges they faced in doing their jobs. I was also worried that they were getting various messages from me, the other managers, and supervisors that put them into a bind. They were struggling with messages like work safely but get the pounds out. They were unclear about priorities and goals. I think they were all trying to do their jobs as well as they could, but it was like working in a fog.

As we talked together, the messages got a lot more clear. I got a much better understanding of their challenges and difficulties. I could not do their jobs; I just did not know how to do their work. So, I started to ask them for their ideas about how I could help them in doing their work.

It was slow at first, but as trust began to build, a lot of good ideas emerged. Many problems they could solve themselves, so I encouraged them to talk together and figure out a good solution. If it was safe and workable, then let’s try it a see how it worked.

A Deep Learning Developed

I did not know how to do the Level 1 work where the actual manufacturing tasks took place, and they did not know how to do the Level 2 work that I was doing. We lacked the experience, information, and knowledge that we each had. All I could do was to ask the people how I could help make the systems better so their work went better, and the people could ask me about the things that I was saying to make the messages and goals more consistent and clearer.

The frontline people got a lot better at doing their Level 1 work and I got a lot better at doing the Level 2 work. As we worked together improving our Level 1 and 2 work, we also talked a lot about the importance of treating each other with respect, really listening and learning together. We learned to help each other better, talk together better, and learn better. These shared values were our Level 3 work and applied to all of us. We discovered that the values in Level 3 applied to all we did so that our work at Levels 1 and 2 went a whole lot better.

Over time, in working together like this for about 4 years, our injury rates went down around 97%, emissions to the air, water and ground went down about 95%, and earnings went up around 300%. All aspects of our work improved. We all did it together.

working safely together takes teamwork

For the New Year

I ask you to think about how you can begin to do safety differently and make the breakthroughs you want to make.

Workplace Safety is a Local Issue

Improvements in the safety performance (fewer deaths, injuries and incidents) is a local issue. These improvements have to be made by the people working in the particular jobs and activities. Ideas and edicts can come down from on high, but they do not make the place safer. If they could, we would already have injury-free workplaces.

The people, working together, as I described, make the difference. The work has to apply to the specific work and tasks by the people who are involved at Levels 1, 2 and 3.

When people at the facility level decide to work this way together,
amazing things happen.

Let’s have an amazing year!

My offer to you: Give me a call (716-622-6467) so we can talk together about working at Levels 1, 2 and 3. Let’s see what happens.

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