Three Big Mistakes that Can Lead to Workplace Disaster

In previous blogs I have written about the three biggest mistakes that many managers often make that can lead to disaster.

These are putting production first, allowing the technology to drift and blocking communications. A disaster occurred recently in a chemical plant in La Porte, TX when 3 men and 1 woman were killed with a 23,000-pound release of methyl mercaptan. Methyl mercaptan has an An Acute Exposure Guideline (AEGL-3; EPA) of 120 ppm for a 10-minute exposure. Methyl mercaptan is seen more as an irritant and badly-smelling material, but this release in a confined area completely overwhelmed the people by displacing the oxygen in the closed, operating building.

dupont plant accident texasIn reading the various, publicly-available reports, it looks as if all three of these big mistakes were probably made. The push for production was dominant, piping changes had been made without documentation, the safety procedures were modified or ignored, operating problems were not properly addressed and tolerated, previous practices allowed the draining of small quantities of material right into the room, and the communications were such that people probably could not or would not tell their management, who probably were not listening anyway, all the problems.

It would be easy to blame the 4 operating people for their errors, but this mess runs far more deeply in this culture. Three of the people were experienced operators and one was much less experienced. With the press for production, training was probably inadequate. While site management was probably responsible for the three big mistakes, they too were under a lot of pressure from the business division, product management people, in headquarters far away from the site, who were driving earnings at all costs.

But it does not stop here. The mistakes run even more deeply than these more immediate problems. The safety culture of the entire corporation appears to have slipped drastically over the last 4-5 years. Was everyone taking their eye off the ball for the sake of faster production and higher earnings and allowing standards to slip everywhere? Even though there had been a culture of many layers of protection in the safety systems and very high standards of performance and accountability, these seem to have weakened and some disappeared.

This entire disaster episode clearly shows the importance of the interconnectedness of all the parts of the whole system. Simple cause/effect relationships do not come close to telling the entire story. Getting on top of this deeply flawed culture and at all the organizational levels will take hard, honest, open work by safety professionals, operators, mechanics, supervisors, HR professionals, site management, business division product management and corporate management. They all need to come together to hold the conversations, each accepting their part in the disaster, learning together and co-creating their journey to a safety future of excellence.

Based on previous experience, tough regulators, OSHA fines, bad press, and law suites, all of which will come, will not lead to safety excellence. The people in this system, coming together in Partner-Centered Safety™ can and will make the needed difference.

I hope that they can and will rise to the occasion!

Postscript: Important!

While some people may be concerned that Partner-Centered Safety will cost too much, I have found just the opposite to be true. Earnings are improved in two ways.

First, the losses from injuries ($50,000/OSHA Record able Injury) and incidents are greatly reduced.

Second, the shift in culture that occurs when people are working this way results in a lot of waste being removed and improvements made. For example, when we learned to work together in Partner-Centered Safety when I was the Plant Manager at the DuPont Belle, WV Plant, injury rates dropped by over 96%, productivity rose 45%, emissions dropped 85%, and earnings rose 300%. We can all be winners in Partner-Centered Safety.

Call me at 716-622-6467, or contact us here to learn more about this approach.

Staying on Top of Innovative EHS Solutions

I had the good fortune to attend an EHS Management Institute’s invitational gathering in San Antonio TX.

national safety council seminarsHow important it is to stay on top of global strategic trends and innovations while aligning our efforts with business strategy.

What learning conferences are on your docket for this year?

Check out some of the 2015 conferences being sponsored by National Safety Council, ASSE (American Society of Safety Engineers,) EHS and VPPPA for some of their offerings to learn, share, grow, develop, network and connect to the latest technologies and best practices.

Stay on the leading edge for your industry!

Safe and Sound

We have all heard that parental admonition: “Please text me/call me when you get there…I need to know you are safe and sound!”

safe workplaceEach of us, as we travel to and from our work spaces want to be “safe and sound”—we want to return at the end of the day or at the end of our work-shift to our loved ones—safe and sound.

This phrase, safe and sound, encapsulates the “why” of Safety—so that we are not harmed—rather, we are whole, complete, and okay.

May you, and all the people in your work world, start and end each day in 2015 safe and sound.

Partner-Centered Safety

The best approach to sustainable safety excellence is through Partner-Centered Safety.

This is a proven, robust way for dedicated people to work together to get the excellent safety results they want to achieve. All dimensions of occupational safety and health as well as process safety management are positively impacted when people work this way.

create a safety cultureThere are three main aspects to Partner-Centered Safety.

  1. Developing mutual respect for and valuing each other as real people is critical. My safety mantra was “I don’t have a right to make my living in a place where it is okay for you to get hurt. Now let’s figure out how to work safely and make a profitable business.” With this message, I was trying to convey my deep respect and value for them as individuals. The people really appreciated this way of being together.
  2. Talking, listening and thinking together, looking for the best solutions and possibilities opened up new ways to do our work, building credibility, trust and interdependence. All of us brought our various experiences, skills and insights into the discussions as equals with a passion for excellence in safety and production. The decisions were made with the best thinking and technology we had rather than by arbitrary, do it my way, orders.
  3. Our culture shifted so that there was order, some stability and some control along with an openness to freely talking and thinking together to find the best solutions. The ambiguity of order and freedom worked very well as long as we were in constant conversation. For example, we learned to live in the need to have excellent safety and production at the same time.

As we worked this way good ideas bubbled up, new thinking developed, safety improved to Total Injury Rates at 0.3 or better and people discovered that they could sustain this for years (over 17 years in one case). At the same time earnings, productivity and environmental performance improved significantly.

In Partner-Centered Safety we work with the people and do not do stuff to the people, which is the traditional approach to safety.

Safety Excellence: Paying Attention to the Details is Key

A very effective leading indicator relating to occupational safety is to see and keep track of how people are working, and paying attention to details. These are called Safe Acts Audits. We look at a significant number of people doing their day-to-day jobs and keep track of what we see over time.

The way people choose to do a job is very strongly influenced by what is happening in the working environment, the culture—which strongly impacts their thinking. All that is rushing around in their minds (work, family, home, sports, politics) at the point of making a decision and acting on it is really important. Feeling pressured, rushed, bullied, undervalued, disrespected, not listened to, being pushed around by their supervisor, etc. are systems problems that create cloudy thinking resulting in someone getting hurt.

When these poor behaviors, done by individuals, persist over time it is clear that they are tolerated by management; I refer to them as systems problems. We can try to address these each time they arise, but if they keep coming up and the system does not change, they are systems problems.

When we observe people working safely (this is most of the people) we praise their safety efforts, and when we see someone working unsafely we need to pay attention and work together to correct the systems problems that are negatively impacting them. The openness we advocate where it is okay to talk about these things, to challenge decisions, to ask for help, to stop a job if they feel it is unsafe, is called Partner-Centered Safety.

If the ratio of the number of people we observe working safely (most of the people) compared to those working unsafely (very few people) drops, that is we see relatively more people working unsafely, we know that something has changed and must be addressed immediately.

We call this ratio the Safe Acts Index. When the Safe Acts Audits are done 2-3 times a week we can stay close to the current climate and react quickly to a drop in the Index by raising awareness, increasing the number of safety conversations, by helping everyone to become aware of a change and to use extra alertness looking out for and helping each other. In our experience, when the Index drops an injury occurs within the next 2-3 days unless the level of awareness and concern is promptly raised.

safety leadership excellenceSafety excellence is achieved and sustained one day at a time, day after day.

In Partner-Centered Safety we can do this together. Give us a call — let’s talk about how you and your team can reap the safety benefits of this unique-and-clearly-successful, focused way to eliminate injuries and incidents in your workplace.


Next month, we’ll discuss the leading indicators for occupational health and process safety management.

The Lurking Elephants…Can You See Them Now?

Did you hear the story about the Safety Elephant who roamed all over the place stomping people down, messing things up, and completely blocking the ability of the people from having the important safety conversations?

creating safe workplaceYes, the elephant that got in the way of having the conversations that matter? You did? Oh, you have one of those too?

Safety First Elephants are big and smelly. Everyone knows they are there because they stink up the place, making it smell rotten. Elephants are also sneaky, often disguised, or even invisible. Sometimes they show up as the bully who tries to push everyone around and control the group. Sometimes it is a boss who just doesn’t seem to care. Sometimes it is “obliviousness” to what is really happening. Sometimes it is simply an undiscussable that has been allowed to fester. Anyone who tries to speak up about an important issue is silenced, put down, demeaned or ridiculed. The elephant just loves this. The elephants are in control! They are having a happy time!

You know that the elephant has a name…yet, you speak of it in whispers. (For the purpose of this Safety Flash, let’s call this elephant, Hiney – the H is for Hidden!) While Hiney is invisible or disguised, Hiney loves for you to talk about him/her in private, with a person you can trust. You might talk about Hiney in the restroom or by the water cooler. You make Hiney really quite visible in these conversations. But when you stay quiet in the situations that really matter – when you could constructively make an issue explicit, but you don’t – then Hiney remains very safe. So back in the workplace, Hiney keeps sneaking around, messing the place all up and stomping all over. Hiney is really very unfriendly – just loving it when someone gets hurt because you couldn’t talk about the real safety problem. Sometimes there are whole herds of Hiney’s!

Hiney is really very afraid of being made visible. If you just look Hiney (aka, the undiscussable) right in the eye and name the big, stinking elephant, everything changes! The big, cowardly, stinky, brutal Hiney seems to just melt away. You can talk about Hiney and work to fix the safety problem. There are courageous, safe ways to name and address the hidden elephants! Hiney can’t stand the light of the truth! Transparency hinders elephant herds. Fewer injuries and incidents will happen when you learn how to lift them up and address them. Call us…We’ll show you how!

Check out Can You See them Now? (Elephants in our Midst) – Discover the hidden elephants that are lurking in your organization or Work team…Then Vanquish Them! Available on Amazon.

America’s Safest Companies Conference

I found several papers from “America’s Safest Companies Conference” last year quite interesting.

One by Terry L. Mathis discussed his new book (co-Authored by Shawn M. Galloway) called “Steps to Safety Culture Excellence.” This book describes, very nicely, 43 steps that can lead to safety excellence using the more traditional approach coming out of the Newtonian/Cartesian paradigm where we see cause/effect relationships, linear processes and big results needing big efforts. A lot of their ideas are quite good.

workplace safety processesAnother paper from an award-winning company showed their outstanding progress in lowering their total recordable injury rate from around 10 to 0.5 through a steady progress of improvements over 10 years. Their work was out of the Newtonian/Cartesian perspective, quite similar to what Mathis and Galloway teach.

The new book by Sydney Dekker, “Drifting into Failure,” discusses the importance of seeing the world from the complex systems perspective. This is the perspective from which I have worked for so many years. In using this approach when I was the Plant Manager at the DuPont Belle, West Virginia Plant, we cut the total recordable injury rate from about 5.8 to below 0.3 in just three years and sustained this for 17 years. When I was leading the transformational work in New Zealand Steel, in the work described by Stephen Zafron and David Logan in their book “The Three Laws of Performance,” we worked from the complexity perspective. The total recordable injury rate at New Zealand Steel dropped by about 50% in just a year and a half.

The lesson here is quite clear. If you want to try to reach safety excellence using the Newtonian/Cartesian approach and taking 10 years to do it, then that is your choice. Doing this over 10 years requires a lot of hard, dedicated work to sustain the effort.

On the other hand, if you want to achieve excellence in safety in just two-three years, then you need to work from the complexity perspective. Not only is the process quicker, you have many fewer injuries along the way. It takes courage, persistence and commitment to make this happen.

It is clear that the approach from the complexity perspective is superior, achieving excellence more quickly with fewer injuries along the way. Leading the journey to safety excellence from the complexity perspective is what we call Self-Organizing Leadership and we use the Complexity Leadership Process to do this.

Several web sites have useful information relating to this way of leading and working:

Safety Excellence for Business

Center for Self-Organizing Leadership

RNKnowles Associates

Let’s not lose sight of our objective: We want everyone to leave the workplace at the end of their workday or shift without getting hurt—no injuries! Safety is an everyday, every minute dynamic, starting now!

Call me at 716-622-6467 to learn more about this robust, proven approach to achieve safety excellence.

It is NOT Just Theory…It is Practical!

The Safety Leadership Process is firmly based in complexity science, where organizations are seen as behaving more like living systems than machines.

Safety Leadership ProcessBut, the machine view of organizations is the dominant paradigm right now. We direct the people to work in tight procedures. We manipulate them to do things right. We punish them when there is an injury or incidents. We look for root-cause. We think that if we can take things apart and understand the parts that we can understand the whole. Almost all the effort is engaged in doing things TO the people as if they were just interchangeable parts of a machine. Most people push back against authority in this paradigm. This is a win/lose environment.

When we see organizations as if they are living systems, we focus on the whole system where all the parts are interconnected and interacting all the time. Change is embraced. Information needs to be freely flowing so that all the parts are working in harmony. Trust needs to be built so that people can depend on each other and work more effectively together. Each person helps the others do their work more effectively. People from all levels PARTNER together for the good of the whole – rising above their own selfish needs and goals. This is a win for safety, a win for the business, a win for the people.

Dr. Sydney Dekker, an Australian safety expert and leader, spoke at the ASSE Safety 2014 Conference. He is a leading thinker in trying to bring the complexity science paradigm into the field of safety. In his talk, he emphasized that while great improvements in reducing injuries and incidents has been achieved over the last 50 years, the injury rate improvements are getting smaller. By shifting our thinking to the complexity paradigm, we can achieve excellence.

This is what I was advocating in my talk I described above. The Safety Leadership Process puts the complexity paradigm into the organization. This is what I used as a plant manager and now as a Safety Consultant with excellent results. The Safety Leadership Process is a robust, proven, easily understood, low investment process that leads to sustainable levels of safety excellence.

A core part of the Safety Leadership Process requires everyone to get clear on their assumptions, values and priorities. I have often found that various members of management are not clear and aligned, which results in mixed messages and inconsistent results.

A powerful complexity tool called The Process Enneagram© is used to bring the people together to struggle with the hard questions like “Is safety #1?” or “How do we get everyone engaged in helping to improve our safety performance and sustain it?” Here is a link to sign up and receive free access to a recent webinar I held to describe this tool and its use.

I speak, conduct workshops and coach people in organizations on how to significantly improve their safety performance. This flyer provides a lot of information regarding my offering. Please call me (716-622-6467), if you wish, to explore what is possible.

The Drag of Disengaged People

In a recent email post, someone mentioned that the cost to businesses of disengaged employees is about $350 billion per year.

In another post, it was estimated that about 20% of the employees are actively disengaged; they aren’t just standing around but rather doing things like horseplay, game-playing-sabotage, and even bullying to drag the performance of the organization down. This is not only a huge loss to the business, but also a huge personal loss to these people who are so negative.

These people cause big problems by blocking the channels of communications that are so critical.

how to improve workplace safetyPeople are often reluctant to speak up in these negative environments. Ideas for improvement never surface. New employees are negatively influenced and led astray. Supervisors have a very rough time getting the people to do their work properly. Grievance rates are high and much time is wasted needlessly because these are not addressed at an early stage.

In many organizations, new employees are given a safety orientation and then go to work. The organization depends on the more senior people providing some guidance to these new people. Where there is active disengagement, this follow-up guidance is often not done so the new people try their best, but are often hurt. During the summer months this is especially serious because summer and other temporary employees are hired. These people need a lot of help, but where there is active disengagement, little help is offered and drift from business focus occurs.

When the flow of communications is blocked, the organization can easily drift into disaster. Critical information gets lost. The managers who need the feedback about how the operations are running do not get the information they need. Flying blind is not good!

In your own organizations, if you see disengaged people, begin to talk with them, share important information and ask for their help. This may be hard at first, but over time, most of these people will become more engaged. One reason that people become disengaged is because they feel ignored and under-valued.

By talking together, listening for ideas, exploring for improvements from everyone, a lot of disengaged people will begin to get involved. This is not just a one-time activity. Talking, listening, exploring together are ongoing parts of the work that pay big dividends. As leaders in your organization, you can open things up for the better.


The Three Biggest Safety Mistakes

The Three Biggest Safety Mistakes that Most Managers Make that Can Lead to Disaster and the Way Out.

The first Big Mistake is putting production first. Some managers are quite blunt and drive production without regard to the safety impact on the people. This sort of indifference is not common and these managers are fading away.

the three biggest workplace safety mistakesFor most managers putting production first can be quite subtle with messages like:

  • We have to get the product out and meet our schedules, but do it safely.
  • We need to do it quicker and cheaper, but do it safely.
  • We can’t miss a shipment.
  • We’ll schedule maintenance when it is convenient.
  • We’ve spent lots of money and time on training and equipment, now just get on with it and do it safely.
  • The people cause injuries and incidents.
  • There is lip service to safety, but it gets lost in the press for production.

The second Big Mistake is the normalization of drift. This can also be subtle since we want continuous improvement. We want changes that are carefully considered by co-workers, engineers and managers. These need to be documented as part of the Management of Change OSHA requirements.

But we do not want people making changes here and there with little consideration and no documentation. This can happen when a worker sees a better way to do his/her work and makes a little change. Then she/he sees another improvement and makes that change. Over time, many little changes accumulate to the point where deviance is accepted and the process suddenly goes out of control.

The third Big Mistake is having structural and cultural blocks to communications. Many organizations are structured in silos of specialization like engineering, maintenance, production, HR, accounting, shipping, etc., where people in one silo are not supposed to talk with people directly in another silo. They are supposed to communicate up through their line of management to the top of the silo and then that manager will pass the message down through his/her silo. Each time there is a step in the communication chain, information gets lost or changes or both.

Sometimes cultural practices block communications. Bullying, fear of criticism, messengers getting “shot”, etc. can also block the communications.

  • People do not ask for your opinion.
  • Management does not want bad news.
  • The “boss” doesn’t listen.
  • Mind your own business.

When communications are blocked, critical information is restricted and those who need to know it are unaware of what is happening and serious mistakes are made.

Here is the way out of this mess. All three of these Big Mistakes can be overcome.

  1. In opening up the communications in the organization where people can share and talk directly with those who need the information better decisions are made.
  2. When there is trust and interdependence, people listen to each other, critical information and decisions are openly discussed, and evaluated and much better decisions are made.
  3. When people see how they fit into the organization and the importance of their individual contributions, energy and creativity flows into their work.

These are the elements of the Complexity Leadership Process. Do you have something to add? Please share your experiences below.

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