Leading Safety…Working with People because People are the Key!

Safety 2015,” the Annual ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, was held in Dallas, Texas, in early June. It was a terrific conference and gathering of about 4,000 safety professionals. There was a lot of networking, excellent keynote talks, a vast array of all kinds of safety equipment, and lots of papers in concurrent sessions. About 100 people came to hear me talk about achieving sustainable and excellent levels of performance. Total Recordable Injury Rate was <0.4 for 16 years when we approached the organization as a complex adaptive system (CAS).

There was a lot of interest in this based on the attention of the audience, the quality of the questions and the excellent feedback I received at the end. This was the only paper addressing the complex adaptive systems approach to achieving safety excellence at this conference. Based on my experience, this is a much easier and more effective way to lead safety. The Safety Leadership Process©, the correct tool for use in CAS, requires the leaders to get clear and focused in their safety thinking and message, then go into their organizations listening, talking, abundantly sharing information with the people about how to get better and then helping the people to implement their improvement ideas.

While the conference and exposition presented lots of good papers and displayed a huge array of safety equipment, I got the feeling that a lot of people think that they are disempowered for making safety improvements. Many lament, if only management would listen to the safety professionals, or if we added more focused safety people, or if we could purchase more of the fancy new equipment like that on display, that maybe then our safety would get better. Is this not more of the same way we have been managing safety for years?

I think that more technical papers, more traditional training activities, and new safety equipment will only get the organization to the level of safety compliance – it does not get organizations to the level of safety excellence. I have tried this technical-based approach over the last 50 years without achieving safety excellence. And why? Because people are the key!

But, when I shifted to using the Safety Leadership Process©, described above, the shift in attitude, the willingness to improve performance, and the energy and excitement of the people, enabled the organization to reach and sustain the higher level safety excellence.

Those in leadership positions and at the top of the organization have the responsibility to engage with the people – setting the conditions where excellence can be achieved. This only requires a commitment to get clear on the safety message, go into the work places and engage with the people exploring new and better ways to having every one go home without having been injured at work. With courage, care, concern, and commitment, we can all reach and sustain the level of safety excellence!

About Richard N. Knowles

© Richard N. Knowles and Safety Sage Blog, 2014-2025. You may use this article on your blog, website or in your newsletter or magazine, provided that full and clear credit is given to author, Richard N Knowles, Ph.D of Safety Excellence for Business with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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