America’s Safest Companies gather in Atlanta, Georgia

The America’s Safest Companies Conference is being held in Atlanta, Georgia this week.

The America’s Safest Companies Conference is sponsored by EHS Today and will have about 350 company presidents, Vice Presidents, EHS directors and managers and others interested in helping the people in our facilities go home in one piece. There will be keynote speakers on safety and sustainability as well as four conference tracks relating to:

  • Safety and Risk Management
  • Environmental/Sustainability
  • Compliance
  • Safety Technology

The Conference begins on Monday, October 28th with a reception and then the paper sessions will run on Tuesday and Wednesday up to 2:30 PM.

This is an interesting mix of people and tracks with many papers presented by high-level people with an emphasis on integrating safety into the culture of the companies and leadership. One of the key sponsors is Fisher & Phillips, a large law firm specializing in environmental, health and safety issues among the rest of their practice relating to labor law. The lead EH &S person from Fisher & Phillips is Edwin G. Foulke, Jr. who was a former OSHA Director.

america's safest companies conferenceI’ll be participating as a sponsor for the Conference Program Brochure. I’ll have an ad in the Brochure as well as a display table. My tag line is “When safety gets right, everything else gets right”. Since I am not an official speaker, I am going to use my display table as an opportunity to talk with people about the Complexity Leadership Process that I wrote about in a previous.

While there will be papers about leadership and moving to safety excellence, I will be the only one talking about the three major areas of safety (occupational safety, occupational health and process safety) and showing how to use the Complexity Leadership Process to achieve sustainable levels of excellence and improved business performance. I’ll share my work from the DuPont Belle, WV plant, the New Zealand Steel, Auckland, NZ, and the CSR Invicta Sugar Mill in Ayr, Australia and powerful case studies.

I’ll be working my display during the Monday evening Reception as well as at all the breaks so I am hoping to connect with a lot of the Conference attendees in one-on-one conversations and open up their thinking to complexity and the importance of learning to think and live this way. This will be a very difference experience for me compared to presenting papers that I have often done and expect to do in the future. I am very interested in meeting so many people who are focused on Safety.

In April of 2014, I will also be presenting the Keynote at the Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia SHE Conference – another gathering of great minds in this industry.

As you can surmise, I am very dedicated to getting the ideas about complexity and its importance in helping people and organizations in their journeys to excellence. More and more people are beginning to see the world as Complex and are more open to learning to live and work in this paradigm.  As readers of these Blogs, I hope you are one of these on the leading edge of our thinking.

If you are at the conference, please stop by and say hello!

Richard N. Knowles, Ph.D., The Safety Sage

About Richard N. Knowles

© Richard N. Knowles and Safety Sage Blog, 2014-2025. You may use this article on your blog, website or in your newsletter or magazine, provided that full and clear credit is given to author, Richard N Knowles, Ph.D of Safety Excellence for Business with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.


  1. […] my previous Blog I talked about the America’s Safest Companies Conference in Atlanta, GA. There were about 400 […]

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