Situational Awareness…for Safety…for Security…for Life!

Situational awareness is being aware of what is happening around you in terms of where you are, where you are supposed to be, and whether anyone or anything around you is a threat to your health, safety, and well-being.

for your safety and security be aware of your surroundingsOur knowledge, experience and education enable us to understand what is going on around us and helps us to determine if it is safe…if we are “clued in.” This is not a complicated idea, yet we see so many people who seem to be totally oblivious about what is going on around them.

  • Have you seen people walking down the street with their cell phones right in front of their faces?
  • Have you seen someone grab a chair to stand on to get something off a high shelf?
  • Have you seen someone driving their car with the phone in their hand and not paying attention to their driving?
  • Have you seen news stories where people just seem to walk into really dangerous crowds with little care?
  • Have you seen a person climb into a manhole in the middle of the street without proper respiratory protection?
  • Have you seen people climb poorly secured ladders that can easily slip?
  • Have you seen people at work who are not using the right PPE or not using handrails?
  • Do we see ourselves doing things like this with little awareness of the potential situation we are getting into?

We see things like these almost every day. The people doing these things are not stupid – rather, they are exhibiting a clear sense of lacking awareness in the moment. (Their proceed-with-caution flag is missing!)

Situational awareness applies and is a big part of our safety…to understand what is “not normal”…as in cracks happening in a foundation, or pipes carrying chemicals showing signs of a leak, or Personal Protective Equipment beginning to show wear. It may apply to your health – paying attention to your intuitive knowing, for clues and signals that something has changed or does not seem right.

Recently in the news, most of the people seemed to have ignored warnings and were situationally unaware before the collapse of the condo in the Miami Beach, Florida disaster.

We put so much at risk to just save a minute or two. Why is it we do not pay attention to what is around us and take a moment to protect ourselves? Are we paying attention or are we just charging along hoping things will be okay? Is saving 5-10 seconds in a job worth the risk to you and your safety?

A specific area of focus for us at is Situational Awareness related to violence in the workplace. We need to be vigilant in the event someone from outside the organization comes in to do harm. We also need to be vigilant for potential violence springing up from someone who is on the inside like an employee, vendor, or customer. (Home-growing an active shooter happens – especially when people treatment principles are lacking.) Paying attention to how our friends and co-workers are behaving and talking is important.

If you see something or hear something,
you have to SAY something.

If you see sudden changes in behavior of a person or hear them talking about doing violence, that needs to be brought to the attention of your supervisor or the HR people. And anyone with a domestic violence restraining or protection order needs to be certain that their company is aware of it, in order for security to be fully prepared! Domestic violence spillover into the workplace is a major danger for violence in the workplace.

We help people to learn how to observe, to put their attention on what is “not normal” and to be prepared to make quick decisions as the situation unfolds…whatever that situation may be.

We teach the Color Codes of Situational Awareness as a way for them to think about their situation in the moment.

White: Being oblivious to what’s happening in your surroundings.
Yellow: Fully aware, but still relaxed.
Orange: Very Alert…something has triggered your focused attention.
Red: Decision time…Act.
(Black): The consequence of inaction, or inability to act; paralysis.

Where are you in this picture?

These color codes would be a good discussion at home with your family as well.

recognize the color codes for situational awareness

Situational awareness is essential for being prepared to work safely and to protect yourself from an active shooter situation. Recent events show us how tremendously important this “knowing” is for all of us…at our workplace, and in our life-space too.

We at Nagele and Knowles help a wide range of organizations address unwanted safety issues, address security and cultural vulnerabilities, and reduce the risk for workplace violence. You don’t have to do that all yourself…We have done that for you!

Give us a call at 716-622-6467. We are here for you!

Why are so many people being killed at work?

Not to be ignored…

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) report for 2019, the most recent summary report, shows that in 2019, 5,333 people were killed doing their jobs.

it's time to evaluate business safetyIn 2017, 5,147 died and in 2018, 5,250 died. For the last 5-6 years the trend has slowly gotten worse. (Note: The BLS reports do not show much, if any, progress in reducing the number of people being killed and injured over the last 5 years or so.)

In 2019, about 2,814,000 people were hurt, which is about the same level as in 2017 and 2018.

Thousands of people are working to improve safety in the workplace, yet these numbers show that improvement in performance is almost non-existent. The various safety journals have lots of good information about ways to improve things. There are lots of consultants doing a lot of work with various organizations to improve safety. And there are many professional safety organizations, including OSHA, ASSP and the National Safety Council, that provide increased training and awareness. Still, people are being killed and hurt at work.

Why isn’t there progress?

All these statistics are lagging indicators. So, what drives this poor performance? What are the leading indicators showing us?

I think that the key leading indicator relates to the way the organizations are managed and led. The traditional, top-down, command and control approach, in a whole lot of organizations, is at least 100 years old and is based on Frederick Taylor’s Principles of Scientific Management, which goes something like:

The people at the top of the organization are smarter and brighter than those doing the work so the top people know better and tell the workers what to do and the workers do it – a.k.a. the mechanical model (of the past).

There are lots of examples that show that this approach does not work very well. For example, in a recent article I saw, the safety regulators in Australia 35 years ago introduced the Sex Discrimination Act, but in 2018 the Australian Human Rights Commission survey showed that 1 in 3 workers were harassed in the last 5 years – despite the endeavor. So much for top-down proclamations. Please don’t dismiss this example as just a problem in Australia or that sexual harassment is not a safety problem because you’ll be wrong on both points.

We declare safety endeavors over our workplaces with phrases like “The Goal is Zero” and slogans like, “Safety First.” Similarly, “Zero Tolerance” for harassing and bullying behaviors. And these are important because we need visual signage and reminders for raising our awareness. Yet we know that words and declarations alone won’t work as effective motivators for better safety performance or better treatment of people, nor does the old mechanical model/command and control approach work for the long-term.

We have to bring all the people together.

In every place in which we have worked we bring the people together to talk about the problem, open up the free flow of information, treat each other with respect, listen to each other because everyone has an important perspective, learn, seek better ways, and make the changes we need to make. When people are participating in creating the changes they do not resist the changes but rather apply their energy and creativity to solving the problems.

When I did this as a Plant Manager of a large chemical plant, working with the people, the injury rates dropped by 97% in just 3 years. When I worked in a large sugar mill with all the people the injury rate dropped from about 10 to ZERO in just 3 weeks. (This was shown in their annual data). When I worked with people in a truck manufacturing plant this way, the injury rate dropped from about 6 to ZERO in just a few days. (This was also shown in their annual data.)

There was no new investment in computer programs or equipment. Long involved training courses were not needed.

Most people want to become part of the solution!

It is time to wake up!

Let’s put the 100-year old, Frederick Taylor model in the museum and step up to working with all the people. Become engaged with your people in Safety. It takes a lot less time and saves a lot of money!

We know how to make this happen and would like the opportunity to talk with any of you. Please call at 716-622-6467. You can find background information at RNKnowles Associates.

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